Vaginal Natural Treatment Natural Vs C Section For A Peripartum Cardiomyopathy Recent Discovered?

Natural vs C Section for a peripartum cardiomyopathy recent discovered? - vaginal natural treatment

Today I started my 38th Week of pregnancy. Ejection fraction is 35%, SIMPTOME not now, just for a few days in November, I made felt the pressure in the chest and the need for more air.
Cardiologists and gynecologists wants a Section C, as soon as possible. I read about the benefits generated by natural birth, without pushing.
Vaginal deliveries are preferred by a third space fluid, endometritis, and pulmonary embolism are more common after birth by caesarean section.

Anesthesia 'rapid and effective pain during labor is essential. Regional as epidural or spinal, is not with myocardial depression observed with inhaled anesthetics. "

Waiting for answers!
Thank u!


Anonymous said...

I think you have already decided what you want. If you know it is common for a vaginal birth.

Note that the causality of the association is not the same. Women would have a caesarean may be because they were sick and more likely to have problems, they were more problems as the European Parliament to develop anyway.

Another thing to remember is that if you proceed with a vaginal birth, is still the possibility that good work is successful, or that you or your baby will have problems in an emergency Caesarean section. Also vaginal delivery under epidural or spinal anesthesia, and no conscious effort to push the tongue requires great efforts of the organization (high blood pressure, HR, strains, etc..)

Anonymous said...

I think you have already decided what you want. If you know it is common for a vaginal birth.

Note that the causality of the association is not the same. Women would have a caesarean may be because they were sick and more likely to have problems, they were more problems as the European Parliament to develop anyway.

Another thing to remember is that if you proceed with a vaginal birth, is still the possibility that good work is successful, or that you or your baby will have problems in an emergency Caesarean section. Also vaginal delivery under epidural or spinal anesthesia, and no conscious effort to push the tongue requires great efforts of the organization (high blood pressure, HR, strains, etc..)

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